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In the Maker's Hands - Robyn Hardyman

In the Maker's Hands - Robyn Hardyman

As part of our recent show Crafts Alive - In the Maker’s Hands at Rodmarton Manor we asked our makers to share their favourite tools with us.

We asked ceramicist Robyn Hardyman about her favourite and why it is special to her.

I love this turning tool and use it almost every day. 

It is beautifully made, with a wooden handle and tungsten steel blade which makes it incredibly sharp, perfect for turning away the clay on my wheel-thrown pieces, to shape their curves and feet.

It comes all the way from Kansas, USA, where Phil Poburka of Bison tools made it
by hand, and sent it across the Atlantic in this fantastic box.

Find out more about Robyn's practice here

Robyn is also taking part in Oxfordshire Artweeks Open Studios 11-19 May 2024

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