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Makers Dozen - Q & A with Sally Davis

Makers Dozen - Q & A with Sally Davis

Welcome to the Makers Dozen. We ask a Guild member a dozen quickfire questions about their life as a maker.

Sally Davis, a jeweller, is known for her detailed narrative jewellery in metal and enamel with an emphasis on nature.

Sally Davis Jeweller

Please describe your work in 3 words

Enamelled Jewellery

How long have you been a maker?

I remember making pots from the clay that we dug up from our Thames valley garden. Very yellow sticky soil! We dried them in the sun and they always cracked, just like the lawn. My mother grew great roses from it though.

What is the best part of your process?

The best part is after I have done the construction and I get to put the colour on. Also when someone likes it enough to buy it!

Do you have a favourite book about your craft?

I love the Linda Darty book (Art of Enamelling: Techniques, Projects,Inspiration)

What are you reading?

I read voraciously, but I have just read  Cryptocomicon by Neal Stephenson

What is your favourite film

Enchanted April based on the book by Elizabeth Von Arden. Do try it.

What do you listen to in your studio?

I listen to Radio 4.

What one thing would improve your life as a maker?

More space and warmth.

What’s the best piece of advice you have received?

Persist and learn.

What’s the question you are asked the most?

Do you do classes?

Would you do it again?

Yes I would, but with more insulation in the studio. It is February and I am cold.


Thank you, Sally! Take a look at Sally's jewellery here

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