Emily-Kriste Wilcox
Contact Details
Address: Studio 5 - Arthaus 80-82 Floodgate Street Digbeth Birmingham B5 5SR
Telephone: 07763 400 527
Email: mailme@emily-kriste.co.uk
After training at Bath Spa University, Emily moved to Birmingham and set up her first ceramic studio. She has been working as a professional ceramicist for almost 14 years.
As a specialist in handbuilding, Emily has developed her ceramic practice to create pieces that are suitable for interior decor, with an emphasis on bringing elements of the outside world in to the home. These vessels can be broadly categorised into 4 collections: “Coastal & Lake”, “Field & Country”, “Garden & Bloom”, “Pattern & Surface”, with each one remaining individual yet with the ability to balance when grouped as a larger composition.
All vessels are slabbuilt using a white earthenware body which is then treated to layers of decorating slip to achieve the desired depth of surface. Pieces often go through multiple firings and as each is individual, the process of building up the surface varies accordingly.
Address: Studio 5 - Arthaus 80-82 Floodgate Street Digbeth Birmingham B5 5SR
Telephone: 07763 400 527
Email: mailme@emily-kriste.co.uk