Helen Newman
Contact Details
Email: helen.digby.newman@icloud.com
Picasso called art the "Divine Play". After two years at Cambridge School of Art and two more years at Goldsmiths followed by a short period of teaching, I have been fortunate enough to make an income out of "playing". My strengths are in design and having a multitude of ideas. Alas, I will never have enough time to exploit them all!
In order to pay for my "play" I have learned to design in an "economic" way; simplicity is important coupled with proportionate attention to detail, whether I am painting or, as in my association with the Guild, working with various forms of metal.
Due to parental connections I spent much of my childhood in the British Museum where the many beautiful objects had a lasting influence on my attitude to life and art. I love to experiment with different materials and techniques and where metalwork is concerned I am largely self-taught.
Brass stage jewellery for the actor Una Stubbs
An Episcopal ring
A silver chain and badge of office for Stroud District Council
NFWI badge of office in silver and gold
NFWI wedding gift to HRH Prince Charles and Princess Diana
Email: helen.digby.newman@icloud.com