I am an enthusiastic textile designer based in the Royal Forest of Dean. I personally design, weave, darn, wash and tenter all my products, using traditional techniques. My contemporary designs and colour placements are influenced by my interpretation of my surrounding environment and all that I find inspiring. High quality yarn is sourced in the UK, creating truly British luxury handmade products.
After graduating from Hereford College of Arts 2014 with a BA Hons Degree in Textile design, I undertook a year of internships with several established designer makers. I then became a weaving assistant for Sioni Rhys Handweavers, and wove the cloth for the National Eisteddfod crown 2016 with them. This journey helped gather techniques, skills and experiences, enabling me to design and develop my own brand of high quality woven goods in April 2017.
Telephone: 07734360788
Email: rhian@rhianwyman.co.uk