Sarah Beadsmoore
Contact Details
Telephone: 01285 654208
Email: sarah@beadsmoorewoventextiles.co.uk
I graduated from my textile design course in 1980 and have been weaving almost continually since then. I still find great pleasure in the making of cloth. It is the basic simplicity that I enjoy – the interlacing of two sets of threads (the warp and weft) to form the soft fluidity of a scarf or the firmness and durability required to produce upholstery fabric.
The actual weaving is a steady, repetitive process, but I must always be engaged with the fabric, watching for mistakes and checking the design as it grows. Colour is a great inspiration and the way colours interact as they are woven together. I dye the silk myself – it ‘loves’ dye and is a wonderful vehicle for many completely different colour ranges.
My designs are mainly a process of evolution, but I do look to other cultures and artistic media for inspiration.
Telephone: 01285 654208
Email: sarah@beadsmoorewoventextiles.co.uk