Craft Festival Cheltenham 11th to 13th March 2022

Craft Festival Cheltenham will take place from 11th to 13th March 2022 in Cheltenham Town Hall, Imperial Square, Cheltenham GL50 1QA . The Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen will have a stand selling work by members which will focus on furniture and the home. In a separate area 7 Guild members will be demonstrating over the 3 days . These include:
MacGregor and Michael - Leather
Jan Knibbs - Embroidered Textiles
Tim Blades - Wax carving for casting jewellery
Harriet st Leger - Enamelled jewellery
Sarah Beadsmoore - Weaving
Sally Davis - Enamelling (Friday and Sunday)
Check out the 2 hour taster workshops run by Adrian Bates and Sally Davis available on the Saturday and Sunday.